Jul 27, 2022
Dean Maria Shirey and Drs. Whitney Pollio and Lynn Nichols describe their primary care nursing course for prelicensure students and the strategies they integrated in the course to build students' resiliency skills. Their goal is to prepare a resilient primary care RN workforce. Learn how they integrated resiliency...
Jul 27, 2022
Nurse educators are called to engage students in learning activities in class, online, clinical, and simulation. This podcast with Dr. Kathleen Rhodes presents a high impact teaching strategy that requires students to use clinical reasoning and decision-making while correlating patient-centered data to verbalize a...
Jul 13, 2022
Telehealth has moved to the global forefront as an effective solution to address health care needs during the pandemic and currently. This podcast with Ms. Nancy Ochs presents one school of nursing’s integration of a telehealth simulation with communication, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, interprofessional...
Jul 13, 2022
Chelsea Lebo developed a simulation to prepare nursing education students to give difficult feedback. The simulation is valuable for faculty to gain experience and comfort in giving feedback to students. Learn more about this simulation in the podcast.
Jul 13, 2022
Amy Nagle presents a fascinating study she completed on student-centered reflection during simulation debriefing. She discusses the implications for facilitating debriefings to promote student reflection.