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Nurse Educator Tips for Teaching

Nov 30, 2022

Prelicensure nursing students experience a great deal of stress and anxiety while in school. in this podcast, Drs. Bussard and Mohoney present the value of a relaxation room to help students with their anxiety and promote success in their studies.

Nov 30, 2022

Dr. Sandra Davis discusses how she creates podcasts to help her students understand difficult or challenging concepts in an easier to understand manner. The podcast discusses the value of giving content and concepts to students in a conversational manner.  The conversational approach is a form of Socratic learning,...

Nov 30, 2022

Tik Tok is a social media platform for sharing short videos. This podcast with Dr. Gapp explains how TiK Tok was used with novice nursing students to engage them in learning. The podcast presents selected short vignettes that faculty can use when using Tik Tok technology.

Nov 30, 2022

Dr. Angela MacDonald explains why we need effective and equitable academic policies in schools of nursing. She discusses the need for data to inform policies (and provides an example) and identifies types of data faculty might use when making decisions about academic policies.

Nov 16, 2022

Dr. Kristi Miller describes a video she developed with embedded medication and other errors for teaching nursing students about patient safety. She discusses how she uses this video in her course.