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Nurse Educator Tips for Teaching

Feb 26, 2020

Most schools struggle with how to mentor clinical nurse educators who may be teaching in sites far from the school of nursing. Nursing faculty at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, solved this problem by using robots. Course coordinators mentor clinical educators using a telepresence robot.

Feb 12, 2020

Kristine Rose discusses student-to-student civility and incivility, and the major findings from her integrative review of the literature. Learn about teaching strategies to educate nursing students about civility and how faculty are preparing students for professional practice.

Feb 12, 2020

Dr. Marianne Jeffreys discusses the transition of ADN students in BSN programs, their challenges, and key transition points. Students benefit from a proactive, holistic approach. Learn how to create and use this approach in your RN-BSN program. Dr. Jeffreys also describes her career path ticket and A-Z tips.