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Nurse Educator Tips for Teaching

Dec 30, 2020

Faculty self-efficacy involves persistence and motivation in overcoming a challenge. Dr. Debra Hampton discusses strategies that faculty can use to feel more self-confident and comfortable teaching in an online learning environment to promote student engagement and the achievement of student learning...

Dec 30, 2020

Most nursing students are not prepared to care for patients at end of life. Dr. Maureen Hillier and Becca Lewis describe their virtual end-of-life simulation for nursing students. They use Zoom for the simulation and offer recommendations to increase authenticity (including a simulated call from a family member).

Dec 16, 2020

In this podcast, Dr. Rebecca Gary (Emory) and Dr. Lemlem Beza (doctoral student) describe their collaborative Emory - Addis Ababa University PhD in Nursing Program. This international educational model is adaptable for other low resource settings.

Dec 2, 2020

In this podcast Dr. Julie Elting shares her research on nursing students with physical disabilities. Nursing faculty completed a survey about the ability of a student who uses a wheelchair for mobility to meet required outcomes. Faculty believed students could meet the cognitive and affective domain outcomes, but there...

Dec 2, 2020

Simulation is a proven student success strategy to promote critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. Dr. Sharon Decker discusses conducting face-to-face, virtual, and modified virtual telehealth simulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also discusses funding and other resources and emphasizes the need...