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Nurse Educator Tips for Teaching

Jun 30, 2021

Faculty who teach in accelerated nursing programs are likely to experience stress because of the intensity of the program. Dr. Laureen Donovan discusses the need for strong leadership support, equitable workload among all faculty, and time for professional development. Collegiality, mentorship, and team teaching are...

Jun 30, 2021

Dr. Jennifer Chicca & Mr. Robert Keddell explain the hybrid flexible or HyFlex course model. This is a student-centered approach where students select their preferred course format on a daily, weekly, or topical basis. Formats can include face-to-face, synchronous online, or asynchronous online. In this podcast you will...

Jun 16, 2021

Dr. Kara Groom discusses interprofessional socialization, why this is important to nurse educators, and strategies to increase nursing students' interprofessional socialization. She also shares techniques to engage students in interprofessional socialization in online courses.

Jun 16, 2021

How can faculty integrate mindfulness strategies in their online courses including asynchronous courses? Dr. Kathleen Spadaro describes mindfulness strategies for online learning and the instructor's role, and shares examples from her courses.

Jun 16, 2021

If you are facilitating simulations or doing research on simulaiton, don't miss this podcast with Dr. Mary Ann Shinnick. She explains Time to Task and why time is important to assess.